Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Siblings

Last weekend all of Bob's siblings and their spouses came to Green Bay for a visit. It was wonderful to have them here. We visited and toured and ate food over and over for 4 days. It all went by in a flash. We toured a light house on the Lake Michigan side of Door County.

We visited the Maritime Museum in Manitowoc, which included climbing through a WWII submarine.
We visited the Experimental Aircraft Association Museum in Oshkosh, missing 10,000 Boy Scouts by one day. Whew!
And we just hung out at the house.


Weezie said...

So great that you could tour around with them on our turf. No doubt GB is an up and upcoming travel destination.

Looks like you had fun!

Erin Gong said...

I love the picture of everyone together!

Jen said...

I don't think I've been to any of those places you went. What a fun time together with everyone!